The next phase of investigation works to explore the reasons for the low water levels in the East Wichel Canal are due to commence over the next few weeks.
The progress of investigation has unfortunately been slow during 2020 due to both weather conditions and Covid-19 shutdowns but good progress is now being made.
Eastern Section (Eyam Road Bridge to Yelland Walk)
The eastern section of the canal has been holding well and it is now proposed that three of the clay bunds (labelled A, B and C) are removed. Levels will continue to be monitored but it is not considered that there is a substantial leak in this area.
Due to the fantastic work by both the Wilts and Berks Canal Trust and local residents this area is also looking much tidier as the vegetation growing within the canal has been cut back.
Western Section (Eyam Road Bridge to lock)
The recent heavy rainfall has provided sufficient water within this section to start getting some results from the monitoring. It is now clear that the section between existing bunds D and E are dropping more quickly than the other sections.
An additional bund will therefore be placed within the canal at location G to allow some further investigation in this area and a proposal developed for any repair works required.
Alongside this further investigation we will continue to monitor water levels within the western section to identify any other areas of concern. It is also noted that some repair works will be required to areas of the bank.