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Helping key workers call Wichelstowe home

Barratt Bristol has now helped scores of key workers purchase their own homes, including 80 residents at Wichelstowe

Calling Wichelstowe residents!

Complete the short Travel Plan survey and be entered into the prize draw.

Revamping Wichelstowe’s well-worn canal walkway

A well-trodden stretch of canal towpath in Wichelstowe is set for a much-needed makeover, thanks to funding that will help resurface and widen the popular route.

A message from Willowbrook View Care Home

It is our pleasure to invite you  to our Opening Event on Wednesday 19th March 2025, between 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM.

Willowbrook View care home creates vibrant nature-themed mural for neighbouring primary school

A nature-themed mural was created for Kingfisher CE Academy to brighten one of its main corridors.

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